Wednesday, April 22, 2009


There is a little boy named Pablo and he has cancer. He was the topic of my very first blog. We met him and his family during the summer of 2006. The family has a blog ( that details their journey with childhood cancer over this past year. I follow their blog pretty regularly and have been happy and saddened by their ups and downs, but I always thought everything would work out for the best. This morning his dad (Jeff) posted the most heart wrenching blog entry to date. Pablo just completed chemo about a week ago and the cancer is already present again... and this time in his lungs. The kid is frickin’ five! How could this be? Why him? Why any of us? I am deeply humbled and reminded how blessed my life has been. I can’t even imagine how you come to grips with losing a child. I am hoping for a miracle. They still exist, don’t they?


seant said...

i'll be sending healing thoughts to Pablo and his family. Miracles do still happen.

Sara said...

Thanks, Sean! I truly hope so.