Friday, March 6, 2009

Last night marked my one year anniversary at Recreate Fitness

So, exactly one year ago I went to my first class at Recreate Fitness. All I can say is what a difference a year makes! I walked in not knowing what to expect from them (or me). However, I did survive my first work-out and the soreness that followed. But I keep going back because I really enjoyed the work-outs, the change I was seeing/and feeling, but most of all the people. Nathan and Tina are amazing. My fellow gym members are amazing.

Last night, we did the "Helen" work-out. It's a benchmark work-out and I had never done it "prescribed". It was fitting for the night. It became apparent when I completed my last pull-up (36 in total), that my year had paid off. I am more fit and strong than I have ever been in my entire life and it feels good....except my arms feel like they want to fall off right about now.


seant said...

congrats!!! way to go!

Sara said...

thanks!!! it felt good!