Friday, August 22, 2008

Words of wisdom....teeth?

Even if I tell you, I don't know if you'll believe me. But crazy as it might sound, both my kids have had their wisdom teeth removed (a year and half a part) and right after their surgery (like the same or next day) their long-term love relationships came crashing down all around them. How can this happen? My simple theory, my kids are exceptional people. They value loyalty and love above all. I suppose it's fair to say that they haven't really had anything truly frightening happen in their life....that is until they had surgery to remove all their wisdom teeth. So for the first time, they were in physical need. Vulnerable and scared and they needed their loved ones the most, but they were both M.I.A (for different reasons, but none worth noting). So each with their hearts broken and a mouth full of gauze called an end to their relationships.

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